Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bog Witch Final

I forgot to post the final of this one to the ol' blog, so here it is. I dunno, I think its come a good ways, but its certainly time to let it go (for now, anyway). I should be able to have another pretty solid update before Xmas, but I gotta get the work done first before I can post it!


Kyler Dannels said...

These reworks are really working out well! You're going to own Spectrum this year!

Rich Pellegrino said...

impressive piece man. kyler is right man. you're owning spectrum this year.

McLean Kendree said...

Thanks guys, I certainly hope so! But I'll believe it when I see it. Your confidence is a total morale-booster!

Sarah Watts said...

It's really cool to see the process to this piece. She's an awesome character too!