Saturday, April 18, 2009

Odinn Iceborn

Quick edit: I am very aware of the resemblance between this character and Lars Umulaut of Guitar Hero. In fact, you could almost say that was the point...

Hey peeps, just finished this up a few days ago, so off to the blog it goes! This is quite silly, and I feel somewhat unusual for me. Strangely enough though, it came quite easily and without much struggle. This guy is supposed to represent the genre of "Black Metal", and I was checking out the costumes of bands like Immortal a lot. Immortal are pretty funny, unintentionally so. Kyler was my go-to guy for getting background info on this genre.

And just in case you're curious, here is a video of Immortal. Please note that nowhere in this post did I ever say I liked Immortal or black metal. Thanks for reading!


Adam Tamte Volker said...

hell yeah Mclean! I think your style translates into the guitar hero universe really well.


Craig Brasco said...

Dude that's great! Gotta love eurometal...

Orlando Sanchez said...

I might not understand the music but their outfits are awesome. Great job man. thanks for the comment too.

Schin Loong. said...

The name Odinn Iceborn is epic enough.. damn!

Duncan Barton said...

McLean, sorry to hear about the layoffs but I'm sure you're going to find something else really soon. Your work is kicking some serious ass. I would love to see you draw GWAR.

McLean Kendree said...

Adam - thanks bud

Craig - its certainly something special

Orlando - yeah, i don't 100% "get it" either, but oh well.

Schin - I was fond of the name

Duncan - thanks man, Gwar would be interesting.

Burton Parker said...

Heh, Immortal. I hope you saw the Call of the Wintermoon video whilst doing your research. Ridiculous. Puts me in a good mood every time.

This looks like how a blackmetal dude would appear in the World of Warcraft universe. Sweet codpiece. Though I would prefer a skull codpiece as in Mortiis' "Stargate" days:

He needs a bulge too. Or make him pull a Hoest/Taake. Heh.

As easy as it is to poke fun, many of my favorite albums come out of the genre.
Sorry to hear about the layoffs. I wish you luck.