Monday, March 8, 2010

D&D Spot Illustrations and a Figure Drawing

Here are a few 1/4 page illustrations I did for Dungeon and Dragon Magazines over the past several months. The two characters on the left I did for Jon Schindehette, and the four weapons I did for Keven Smith. I've enjoyed doing pieces this small, the variety is a nice break from some of the bigger, more involved pieces I've posted lately.

Also, this past Sunday my friends and I went to an uninstructed figure drawing session, and it was great to get back to drawing from life. I felt a little rusty at first, but this stuff is like riding a bike.

Thanks for looking, I'll have more goodies soon!


Eric Braddock said...

Awesome spots, McLean! Digging those weapons and the pendant! For being "rusty", the sketch is looking really nice :)

Chris Rahn said...

Love the 1/4 pagers, really solid.

Adam Tamte Volker said...

right on dude!

Unknown said...

Great spots. Finding love for a decorative hammer is what sets an illustrator apart from a dude who paints hammers.

I'm not really sure what I just typed, but they are gorgeous.

luis espinosa said...

Just curious.. how long much time did you spend on each weapons or 1/4 pagers???

Oh and I love the walrus...hahahaha.. I thought I was going crazy and seeing things every time i reloaded the page.. hahaha.. nice touch

Ray Bonilla said...

great stuff McLean!

McLean Kendree said...

Thanks guys!

Scott - I know what you mean, man. Its all about that inner love!

Luis - I don't think I spent more than one leisurely day per illo on these.

Unknown said...

yeah man these are looking real nice!