Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Safehouse Atelier & Massive Black concept project

So I've been hanging out at the Safehouse Atelier in San Francisco since January 2011, and now I've got a couple of things to share. 

If you're not familiar with Safehouse, it is the new incarnation of the old NextGen Conceptart Atelier, headed up by Carl Dobsky and some of the Massive Black guys. The NextGen Atelier produced artists like Mike Bierek, Whit Brachna, Nonie Nelson, Christian MacNevin ("Dirty C"), Karla Ortiz, and lots of others. The program has some street-cred in the industry, to say the least.

I came into the school while this project was already underway, it was headed up by Kemp Remillard and El Coro. We were to design assets and flesh out the world for a movie set 50 years in the future. We had to make it seem futuristic without going overboard (like I did on the robot sketches below!). This assignment is coming to a close, and soon we'll begin work on the next project!

I am building up art-momentum, and should soon be posting more frequently with freelance jobs and classwork. Thank you all for looking!


Anna Christenson said...

I dig those robots. Sweet stuff!

Anonymous said...

Looks like stuff out of CTech :)

Eric Braddock said...

Awesome! I'm stoked for you, man. I'm excited to see where things go from here, don't hold out on us when posting work once it's available to show ;)

Dennis Bolser said...

This work is mad deluxe yo.

McLean Kendree said...

Thanks bros!

Mike - Yeah I couldn't help but notice that too!